Time Is Money

My final year project progress:

Done meeting with my supervisor. He asked me to make it nicer and be ready to email my Chapter 1, 2, 3 to him and can analyse all the datas that already done.. (splendid!)
Done pH testing t0day..yeahhh!! ^^
S0ooo 9-3=6 and 3-1=2
6 samples still remaining
2 tests still remaining
Electrokinetic test and FTIR test
FTIR test need to be done outside UTHM. Maybe some kind of geotechnic lab from other places. Just like my supervisor said. Hmm this thing needs time hah?...aiseyyhhh! -.-"
Electrokinetic test must wait a comfirmation from supervisor to make it done. This thing also needs time hah?...haiyarkkhh!! o.O

Lets be busy


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