Love Birds

Last Saturday and Sunday, i attended my cousin's wedding with family at her house. She's my closest cousin ever. On Saturday was her solemnization while on Sunday was her reception. The wedding was really lovely and nice. She had chosen garden style as her wedding concept. I think, it was sweet, simple and nice. :) Beautiful. I was looking forward to this wedding because she is my closest cousin and just like big sister to me or Kak Yen i should called. 

I also get to gather all my relatives thats seems so long never meet. This is the first time in my life to see the real solemnization and the real lafaz akad. Mind blowing. *teruja* I thought that maybe i will missed out to see the akad cause i need to fetch my sister at bus station cause she just came  back from Uitm Melaka. But luckily the solemnization didn't start yet. So, that was the moment i saw and heard the real akad. Sooooo sweet. :))))) We just enjoy every moment of the wedding although i'm pretty damn tired.

Usually when there's a wedding invitation, i don't have any problem of what to wear. The important thing is, it must be nice and modest. Well of course when there's a lot of people at one place, forsure a lot of stories and topics. HAHAA.. Be cool and smile. Enjoy. 

Congratulations Kak Yen and Abg Nas!! May you both live happily ever after.. 






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