Wedding at JB

I'm a bit busy these couple days. Like a week ok.. So, i have not time to update any stories in my blog because my closest cousin's grandfather just passed away. All relatives gathered to prepare kenduri for 7 days 7 nights. Everyone will die soon. But we still need to move on our life like a normal person. 

Love eternally!

Last afternoon on August 28th was my closest cousin's wedding. This time is for the Groom's side. It was held in JB at Jubli Intan Hall. The theme of the wedding was Vintage Black-n-White. We arrived at 10am and stayed at homestay that have been prepared by the groom. Supposed that the reception started at 1.30pm. We had a convoy there. But, actually my car turned at the wrong way because we were so busy talking and making lots of noises inside the car and didn't see that the others were at the other lane. It seems like there are lots of stories to tell just now, maybe. That's why we need to take another road to reach Jubli Intan Hall. But don't be panic. Finally we safely arrived to the venue. Oh, last but not least, i've made a special speech in front of the guests exclusively to the love birds on that day because i have been forced by the MC. HAHAHH! *malu2 kucing sat*

Lets enjoy the photos below...

The end



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