Life Is Like A Study Process

Seems like 2 weeks i didn't update anything in blog. Life been kinda busy with some stuffs. Sorta. :) 

First of all, i would like to say that i'm officially a student of Master Research in civil engineering at UTHM. Just for a year to complete my research studies. Dear God, please bless me to be successful on it. Amin!! The first time in my j0urney of fulfill my dreams, i went alone for the registration. No one accompanied me. Im alone, me and myself. At first, it was very very awkward. But when it comes to an end, it was pretty nice. I've managed to control it perfectly without any trouble at all. There are 279 students who hve registered during that day. Congratulations to all Masters and PhDs students. 

 UTHM's goodies for newbie students. Go Green guys!!! ;P

Student card with new background colour. It's green. Go green...

Besides that, i'm also preparing for my graduation day. It will be held on 5th, 6th and 7th October 2013. But the actual date for my convocation day is on October 5th at 1.30pm.. 

Recieved an invitation card already.

A big relief at last. Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honors. All the hardwork already paid. This is for me, myself and family. Present, future and forever after. :D


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