Tips of Travelling for Real Traveller

You guys have seen me and some people are also wondering how I can go for travelling from country to other country eventhough I’m busy with work, life and commitments. Without further due, I would like to share with you guys out there, yah! Yes you..You who are reading my blog, silently reading my blog. Cheers!!

A trip to other country is always excite me. I will prepare everything accordingly with the list of itinerary. Usually whenever I wanted to travel to another country, I will study the country, cultures, attractions and people in it. Those are necessary things to bear in mind when you go to other country. To travel without knowing anything about a country will be wasted. Travelling is to see and feel the new environment while experiencing their natures. We can’t simply visited to other country just for a vacation or to be proud of – to show that you can travel around the world. That is not the meaning of travelling. When we are travelling we wanted to get new experience and try to learn new things. I love to travel because it makes me feels appreciate of what I have had. It also shows me the meaningful of God’s creations. Sometimes I feel free to be myself when I go to travel. I can meet new people who don’t really know of who I am. Basically, willing to travel to a different country is such a privilege for me. Yes, some people say that you need more money to travel around the world. But in my opinion, it is not. You are just need to arrange your time wisely to travel around the world. Money is always there for you but time isn’t. If you are still young, free and have money, you should have guts to see the world. Take the opportunity to see the world. 

Some people may think that you needs a lot of money to go around the world. It is not necessarily. You just need to save a little money to go for travelling. A person who really wanted to see the world would do anything to get to see what he/she wanted to see. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to go for travels. First and foremost, the main tips for travelling is to plan before travel. Planning is very important. Every successful thing comes with great plan. For me, when I’m going for travelling, I will plan all the itinerary 2 months before depart. Well, let me share with you a few tips based on my style and experiences. Those tips maybe not suitable with you but nevermind, you can just read but no harm to follow.
  1. Always alert with all the flight discounts. This is why I can save more when I go travels. I am so excited when it comes to cheap ticket price. I can save while exploring the world. So, you guys should open your eyes and be alert on any promo flight ticket. Forsure you will never feel regret, actually lucky.
  2. Budget planning. This is usually depends on a person income. You don’t have to spend a lot of your savings for travelling. You just need to plan your budget before going for holiday. Budget list is a must when it comes to visit to other country. List out all the things and places you wanted to do or to visit and make sure all those things are worthy! You don’t want to end up regret in the future. This is what I always do when I go to travel, to list out all things based on my budget. Enough cash makes a smooth travels. 
  3. Plan your itinerary wisely without missing any important thing. In every plan that we do, we will work it out as sequence. You can’t simply do something without any step/plan/sequence. So, that’s why I will always do my own trip itinerary. It will make the trip easier to plan rather than just go with the flow, because we are visiting to a new place or new environment that we have never been experienced before, so please bear in mind to plan your trip accordingly to avoid messy trip. 
  4. Photo as a memory keeper and proof. Well, it is not easy to travel to other country because it takes sacrifices. You need to work hard to travel around the world. After your hardwork in the office, you will need your ‘me time’ to rest your mind and body. Therefore, always treasure the beautiful moment of travelling. Just enjoy the view, scenaries, natures, cultures, architectures, monuments and surroundings in that place. Keep those as a wonderful memory cause you are not always at the same place. We are human. Human goes for travelling and experience new things. That’s how life’s work. 
Basically, a trip or travelling will be a precious moment when we appreciate of what we have had. While you are still young and strong, do enhance your travel spirits. See the world. See beyond the world and see what you’ve never seen before, because you can’t buy time with money and money can’t buy time but time is money~~ quote by Miss J.

Work hard, play hard and be smart. Keep moving forward for a better future because life is travelling. We are in travel phase too. Travel from young to old, fresh to experienced, good to better, down up + updowns but never forget to appreciate the give form GOD. Happy travelling to all! 


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