The End For Being A Diplomme Student

It's over..Games over!! This semester is over... End of chapter fOr this semester.. The luxuriOus moments ever fOr only 3 years. The end f0r doing reports, assginments, pr0jects and everything!! BUT...finals are cOming. Now, i must build the strength to study..searching seacrhing n stiLL searcing~~ Wish me luck..

OHH!! bef0re i tell further abOut other stories, juz lil bit unexpected st0ry to teLL..Yesterday, was the exhausted, enj0y, fun, and happy m0ment. Final project f0r diplomme of civiL engineering students. And u kn0w gr0up got the 3rd place for that competitiOn.. HMmm~ A project abOut interlOcking-block made from palm oil shells by replacing sand. To make it different fr0m other. Cool and lecturers lOved it!! Quite interesting. Thumbs up fr0m everyone!! The magical word "Well done", "Good Job", "CongratulatiOns" and thumbs up babe! Really bo0st my spirit up lahh.. Yeahhh!.. There are juz a lil bit mark's differences from the 3rd, 2nd and 1st placed. Maybe, there are many good competat0rs for this finaL project. But, we d0ne our project soOooo very weLLL!! hahaa~..n i'm happy if them happy... ;) GOOD JOB EVERYONE!! It shOws a great engineer wanna be that b0rn from the best university UTHM.

This semester quite thOugh. Cuz sumtimes i feel like i'm dying with my wOrks!! Like seri0usly dying... But, this is the coOlest experience ever.. dinner party, dipl0mme project presentation, trip and everything are superb! I'm prOud to be these part of chapters although for 3 years. All the sweetest m0ments will remain in my heart. UTHM, Friends, Civil engineering are part of my life.

p/s: All the best for finals!!! ganbatte..


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