I Finish My Studies In Dipl0mme

At last, I had finish my last exam.. The material and technology of landscaping. It was easy and i have n0 problem t0 answer the all questi0ns.. I guess so. WOoooOoooWww!! what a relief. No more classes. No more Test. No mOre exam.. N0 more studies..!
Yeeeeesssss~!! huhHh..
I wanna share my happiness tO you
And wish the best fOr my result later and my industrial training. On M0nday, 3rd May 2010..
T0day kinda busy day but i'm happy. Bef0re went to the examinati0n haLL, i had to clean up my rent h0use and packing all my bel0ngings.. Huh.. What a sweat! Take an exam with the S.W.E.A.T..what the..~~ Y0u kn0w what, when i reached the haLL i saw all students sitting on the examinati0n chair and wanna get ready to answer the exam. Lucky me the examinatiOn didn't started yet.
Then the exam starts! But i finish it faster than the time given. So i check out fr0m the exam haLL and straightly go back t0 h0me..Yeaayyyy!!!
I'll g0nna miss UTHM and all my extra0rdinary bel0ved friends.. My pray f0r u guys go0d luck in ur future!! Y0u had taught me all th0se g0od things and s0me bad things that can give a notable example f0r me t0 lead my future way.
I really don't kn0w when we wiLL meet again..Cause n0w we are separated in our own way. But,I believe with a m0tto 'United We Stand'!!!
Notes?? hahaha..nO more notes brada!! Tata n0tes..~


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