Whatever Me Like

>>First day f0r my h0liday and finish-dipl0mme-studies >>staying at h0me >>kinda d0nt-knOw-what-tO-do >>Ohh ya..t0day is the last day of April 2010 >>t0morr0w is the 1st day of May 2010 >>S0ooOoo of c0urse it is Lab0ur Dayy!!....Happy Lab0ur day everyOne~ >>it's like i'm mumbling all the way here t0day >>B.O.R.E.D >>i wanna have fun but outside is raining heavily.. >> sO i just making my own activities. Such as...: >>watching Justin Bieber's videos..OMGGGG!! he's very talented mann... >>d0wnloading JB's songs >>d0wnloading JB's v.clips >>d0wnloading JB's ringt0nes >>Oppss! alm0st f0rgot..juz n0w i called the place f0r my industrial training >>suddenly the administrative officer answered...I talked to her and told her to pass my call to the CEO of CL Sdn. Bhd. but his actually busy with meeting >>so i talked to his AO and told her that on 3rd May 2010 i'll g0nna check in to the c0mpany to do my practical...Ohhh she still reconigzse me >> She said that working time starts at 8.00 a.m until 5.00 p.m BUT f0r a practical student, she said i can come a lil bit late..There is no fix time f0r practical student...Huhh~ thank g0odness! >>AND i can wear shirt to0..hehee~ no baju kurung....I like this ;) >>Hmmm..still w0ndering what will i do in that c0mpany..lalalallalalala~


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