
Creepy place for students = examinatiOn haLL
On y0ur mark, get a set..GOOOO!!!!
it's finally come to the Law exam..
Haiyaa~ h0w cOme an engineer wanna be must take this kind oF exam...urhh~
Huhh..damn bOred! i have to memorize all the facts n meanings.
I hate read stufffs! Owhh my~~ it's like suiciDE duh..~
I'm nOt feeling weLL to study.
Tonnes to read and remember and mem0rized..N0w, i realised that i d0n't like to read
Probably, since i'm major in civil engineering so i'm int0 calcuLation thingy.

To be a successful engineer must stay fOcus n knOws what she do
But, i must nOt give uP!! Huuuhuu...jaja it's gOnna end soOn..u must strOng bebeh!
Stay fOcus n just keep staying in fOcus gurL...!
Maybe it worth it
Like seriOusly fOcusing..hahaha ;P
Only 2 papers to sit..Like seriOusly can't wait

An excellent engineer can buiLd tonnes of kind of unique and outstanding structure

p/s: pictures are motivatiOn..actually, i'm bl0gging while studying law rite nOw..haha


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